. 2017 _ B r i d a l _ B e s p o k e _ A r t w e a r .
Design consultation by appointment, Currently booking for January
Custom Bridal design, Wearable art items, and Sculptural projects
Book your appointment
. M i l l i n e r y .
On trend Millinery 2016 - 2017
Crowns & Halos, Turbans & Tiaras, Poppies & Bees
Rose quartz and Metallic tones, Serenity & Tranquility
# M I N I K E M
. H i g h l i g h t s .
Winner 'Best Hat' Caulfield Cup, 2015
TOP TEN for 'Launch your Label Australia'
Semi-Finalist Video on Vimeo, & see my blog for more info.
Voting for the peoples choice award at Launchyourlabelaustralia.com.au